


狼图腾(英文版)- 第8部分

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ht seems to have improved; and if you observe a wolf through one of these things; sometimes you’ll see that the he’s looking right back at you。”
  One day after Chen had been living in the old man’s yurt for six months; Bilgee took a telescope out of the wagon box and handed it to him。
  The Russian telescope was old and the copper nonskid surface had been worn smooth in places; but the powerful lens was of the highest quality。 Chen treasured the gift; which he wrapped in red silk; using it only when he was helping cowherds run down strays or horse herders find lost horses; or when he went hunting with Bilgee。
  Chen surveyed the area through his telescope; his latent hunting instincts were awakened as he looked through his “hunter’s eye。” These hunting instincts had awakened too late in his life; he felt; and he was saddened to have been born into a line of farmers。 Farmers had bee as timid as sheep after dozens; even hundreds; of generations of being raised on grains and greens; the products of farming munities; they had lost the virility of their nomadic ancestors; going back to the legendary Yellow Emperor。 No longer hunters; they had bee the hunted。
  The wolf pack still showed no signs of attacking; and Chen was beginning to lose patience over their extraordinary ability to hold back。
  “Are they going to plete the encirclement today?” he asked。 “Are they waiting until it gets dark to attack?”
  “War demands patience;” the old man replied softly。 “Opportuni—ties present themselves only to the patient; man and beast; and only they take advantage of those opportunities。 How do you think Gen—ghis Khan was able to defeat the great armies of the Jin with so few mounted warriors? And all the nations that fell to him? Displaying only the power of wolves isn’t enough。 You must also display patience。 Even the largest and mightiest armies can stumble。 If a mighty horse stum—bles; it is at the mercy of even a small wolf。 Without patience; you are not a wolf; you are not a hunter; and you are not Genghis Khan。 You are always saying you want to get an understanding of wolves and of Genghis Khan。 Well; then; lie there and be patient。”

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There was an angry edge to the old man’s ment。 So Chen tried to cultivate a bit of patience。 He trained his telescope on a wolf he’d observed several times already。 It lay there as if dead。 After a few moments; the old man softened his tone and said; “After lying here all this time; have you figured out what the wolves are waiting for?”
  Chen shook his head。
  “They’re waiting for the gazelles to eat their fill and doze off;” Bilgee said。
  “Are they really that smart?” Chen asked in amazement。
  “You Chinese don’t know a thing about wolves。 People aren’t as clever as they are。 Here; I’ll test you。 Do you think a single wolf; even a large one; can bring down a gazelle?”
  Chen thought a moment before answering: “No; you’d need three; two to chase it and the third lying in ambush。 No wolf could do it alone。”
  The old man shook his head。 “Would you believe that one ferocious wolf can bring down a gazelle all by itself?”
  “Really?” Chen said; finding it hard to believe。 “I can’t imagine how。”
  “Wolves have developed a special skill。 In the daylight; a wolf will concentrate on a single gazelle but do nothing until nightfall; when the gazelle will look for a place with tall grass out of the wind to lie down and sleep。 That still isn’t the time to strike; because even though the gazelle is asleep; its nose and ears remain alert。 At the first sign of danger; it will leap up and run off; and the wolf won’t be able to catch it。 So the wolf waits; all through the night; lying nearby。 At sunrise the gazelle gets up with a full bladder; and now the wolf is ready to pounce。 A gazelle can’t urinate while it’s running; so before it’s gone far; its blad—der bursts; its rear legs cramp up; and it stops。 You see; a gazelle can run like the wind; but not all the time; and wise old wolves know that’s when they can bring one down alone。 Only the cleverest gazelles are wise enough to forsake the warmth of sleep to get up to relieve them—selves at night。 They never have to worry about a wolf running them down。 Olonbulag hunters get up early in the morning to claim gazelles taken down by wolves; and when they open up their bellies; there’s urine everywhere。”
  Chen Zhen laughed softly。 “I couldn’t have e up with that strat—egy under the threat of death。 That’s remarkable。 But Mongol hunters are crafty too!”
  The old man laughed。 “We’re the wolves’ apprentices; so we have to be。”
  Finally; most of the gazelles looked up。 Their “drums” were tauter than ever; more than a night with a full bladder。 Some were so full their legs were splayed in four directions。 The old man looked through his telescope and said; “They’re so full they can’t run。 Watch closely。 It’s time for the wolves to strike。”
  Chen tensed。 The pack was slowly tightening the semicircle; there were now wolves to the east; north; and west of the gazelles。 A line of mountains lay to the south。 Chen assumed that wolves on the other side of the mountain were waiting for the main body to drive the gazelles toward where they lay in wait; and the slaughter would begin。 Herds—men had said that wolves often employ this tactic。 “Papa;” he said; “how many wolves are there behind the mountains? Enough to close the circle on all these gazelles?”

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“There are no wolves behind the mountain;” the old man replied with a sly smile。 “The alpha male wouldn’t send any over there。”
  “Then how will they close the circle?” Chen asked doubtfully。
  “At this time; in this place; they can get more with a  three… sided encirclement than a full circle。”
  “Then I don’t understand what they’re doing。”
  “One of the biggest and best…known snowbanks on the Olonbulag is on the other side of that mountain。 The grazing land here is a windward slope; and during a blizzard the snow is blown to the other side of the mountain; turning it into a basin with snow from a depth of waist… high to higher than a flagpole。 Pretty soon the wolves will drive the herd to the other side of the mountain。 As they press forward; they’ll tighten the circle。 What do you think it will look like?”
  Everything turned dark for Chen; as if he’d fallen into a snowdrift that kept out all light。 If he’d been a Han soldier in ancient times; he was thinking; he could not have seen through this strategy; this trap。 Now he began to understand why the great Ming general Xu Da; who had driven the Mongols back onto the grasslands; had won every battle he fought south of the Great Wall but had seen his armies annihilated on the grassland。 He also understood why the other great Ming general; Qiu Fu; with his hundred thousand soldiers; had driven the Mongol hordes to the Kerulen River in Outer Mongolia; only to be ambushed。 When he was killed; his army’s morale plummeted; and all the Han soldiers were taken prisoner。
  “In war;” the old man said; “wolves are smarter than men。 We Mon—gols learned from them how to
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