《gossip girl 4 英文》



gossip girl 4 英文- 第30部分

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 Jenny winced。 


Blair nodded encouragingly; ?Yes? What is it?? Vicky Reinerson waved her hand in the air。 She 
was wearing a red wool cape similar to the one Serena had modeled in the Les Best show; except 
hers was a little used looking; like she?d borrowed it from her grandmother or something。 

Guess she didn?t get the message that capes are back in style thisfall ; not this spring。 

?Oh; but after she?s done will youplease tell us all about the Les Best show; Serena?? Vicky 
pleaded。 ?Youpromised 。? 

Serena giggled as if she hadtons of crazy stories to tell。 Blair wanted to smack her。 ?The craziest 
thing was that I had a snowball fight with Les Best himself and I didn?t even know it was him!? 
Serena glanced at Blair; who was glaring at her。 ?Anyway; I?ll save it for the end; if there?s time。? 
She turned back to Elise。 ?What was it you were saying?? 

Elise?s face turned purple as a plum。 ?I…I wanted to talk about kissing;? she stammered。 ?About 
kissinggirls 。? 

Jenny kicked the legs of Elise?s chair。 Mary; Cassie; and Vicky snickered and nudged each 
other?s elbows。 This was going to be good。 A rumor had gone around awhile back that Blair and 
Serena had kissed each other in the hot tub in the hotel suite Chuck Bass?s family kept downtown 
in the Tribeca Star。 

?I think anyone should be able to kiss anyone;? Serena replied。 ?Kissing is fun!? 

Blair forked a giant piece of chocolate cake into her mouth; trying to e up with something to 
top what Serena had just said。 ?Guys like to watch girls kiss;? she declared with her mouth 
full。 ?They do it all the time in the movies; just to turn guys on。? This was true。 They?d even 
talked about it in Mr。 Beckham?s film class。 

?So Serena; whatwas it like to wear all those cool Les Best clothes?? Jenny asked; desperate to 
change the subject。 

Serena stretched her long; lithe arms over her gorgeous blond head and sighed happily。 ?You 
really want to know?? 

Everyone in the group except Blair and Elise nodded eagerly。 ?Okay; I?ll tell you。? 

Blair rolled her eyes; daring herself to shut Serena up by announcing the news of her torrid affair 
with a married thirty…eight…year…old man; which was a hell of a lot more interesting than prancing 
around on a runway in dumb clothes no one wanted to wear anyway。 She glanced down at the 
table where Elise was furiously scribbling her name over and over on a sheet of notebook 
paper。Elise Wells。 Miss Elise Wells。 Miss Elise Patricia Wells。 E。P。 Wells。 

Suddenly Blair felt the entire contents of her stomach do a back walkover into her throat。Wells? 
That wasOwen ?s last name。 And Elise had just said she thought herfather was having anaffair 。 
Owen hadn?t said anything to her about a daughter; but now that she thought about it; Elise had 
his same eyes; and on the stoop Elise had lit two cigarettes exactly the same way Owen had Friday 
night in the bar。Christ 。 For all Blair knew; Owen hadten children that he?d just happened to forget 
to mention。Fuck! 

Blair scraped her chair back and bolted for the nurse?s office behind the cafeteria; getting there 
just in time to spew chocolate cake all over Nurse O?Donnell?s hand…hooked farmhouse rug。 It 
wasn?t pretty; but it was the quickest way to get sent home sick from school。 

As soon as she left; the cafeteria began to hum with the sound of girls trading versions of what 
was wrong with Blair Waldorf。 

?I heard she has some rare disease。 She lost all her hair。 That?s really a wig;? announced Laura 

?I heard she?s pregnant with some old guy?s kid。 He?s married to a member of the royal family 
and he wants to marry her; but his wife won?t give him a divorce;? Rain Hoffstetter explained。 

?Oh my God。 So she and her mom could like; have babies at the same time!? Kati Farkas 

?She?s not pregnant; stupid。 It?s her eating disorder;? Isabel Coates told the girls at the same 
table in a confidential whisper。 ?She?s been struggling with it for years。? 

At the peer group table; Serena unwittingly set the record straight。 ?She?ll befine just as soon as 
she finds out she?s into Yale。? 

waspoid prince tries to score 

When last…period French was finally over; Nate Archibald bid a hasty? demain to his St。 Jude?s 
School classmates and hurried up Madison Avenue to the pizza place on the corner of Eighty…sixth 
Street; the workplace of his dependable pot dealer; Mitchell。 Lucky for Nate; St。 Jude?s was the 
oldest boys? school in Manhattan and had kept its tradition of ending the school day at 2P。M。 for 
both lower… and upper…school boys; even though most of the other city schools let out at 4P。M。 The 
school?s reasoning was that it gave the boys extra time to play sports and do the copious amounts 
of homework they were sent home with every afternoon。 It also gave them plenty of time to kick 
back and get high before; during; andafter they played sports and did their homework。 

The last time Nate had seen Mitchell; the wisecracking Kangol hat?wearing dealer had said he?d 
be moving back home to Amsterdam very soon。 Today was Nate?s last chance to score the biggest 
bag of sweet; Peruvian…grown weed Mitchell could provide。 Blair had always plained about 
Nate?s pot…smoking when they were together; whining about how boring it was to watch him 
staring at the Persian rug on her bedroom floor for ten minutes when they could have been fooling 
around or at a party somewhere。 Nate had always maintained that his pot…smoking was a mere 
indulgence; like eating chocolate?something he could give up any time。 And just to prove it?not 
that heneeded to prove anything to Blair anymore?he was going to go cold turkey after he?d 
smoked every last leaf of pot from the giant bag he was going to buy today。 If he were careful; he 
could make the bag last a good eight weeks。 Until then he preferred not to eventhink about 

?Two plain slices;? Nate told the gangly; balding pizza chef wearing a bright purple WELE 
TOLOSERVILLET…shirt。 He rested his elbows on the pizza joint?s red linoleum counter…top; 
nudging aside plastic containers filled with garlic salt; red pepper flakes; and oregano。 ?Where?s 

Mitchell?s little side business was no secret in the pizza parlor。 The pizza chef raised his bushy 
black eyebrows。 His name might actually have been Ray; but even after years of buying pizza and 
pot there Nate still wasn?t sure。 ?Mitchell?s gone already。 You missed him。? 

Nate patted the back pocket of his khakis; where he?d shoved his bulging Coach wallet; a sour 
lump of panic rising in his throat。 Of course he wasn?taddicted ; but he didn?t like being stuck 
without any weed at all when he?d been planning to roll a nice big fatty to while away the 
afternoon。 And tomorrow afternoon; and the day after that 。 。 。 

?What? You mean he left for Amsterdam already?? 

Ray?or maybe it was Roy?pulled open the shiny chrome door of the pizza oven and in one expert 
motion slipped two hot slices onto a double layer of paper plates and slid them across the counter 
in Nate?s direction。 ?Sorry; buddy;? he said only half sympathetically。 ?But from now on w
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