〃But you would catch it early。 The undercreatures won't rebel all at once; and that will make it possible to quash each little uprising as it begins。〃
〃You're assuming 'the Call;' whatever it is; will pass by word of mouth; or at any rate; that it won't be disseminated rapidly。 You could be right。 The noise baffles may hinder it; but what if the Prophet has some arcane means of rousing every goblin and bugbear at the exact same instant?〃
〃Do you know of such a magic?〃
〃And you're a Master of Sorcere。 So it's reasonable to assume no such power exists。〃
Pharaun arched an eyebrow。 〃Indeed? Thank you for your expert opinion。〃
Ryld made a spitting sound and said; 〃Look。 You think a rebellion could amount to something。 I disagree; but say you're right。 Isn't that all the more reason to report to Gromph immediately?〃
The wizard waved to a goblin slave who was sauntering by。 〃The difficulty is that I have yet to succeed。〃
〃My assignment is to find the runaways。 I glimpsed two of them for a matter of minutes; then lost them。 Do you think the Baenre will deem that satisfactory?〃
Frowning; Ryld said; 〃Considering that we did uncover something of interest 。。。〃
〃Remember; our great and glorious Archmage doesn't hold me in high esteem。 He sent me out as a decoy; a target for the priestesses to harass。 Knowing him as I do; I'm sure that if 1 fulfill the letter of our agreement; he'll swallow his dislike and keep his end; but should I fall the least bit short; it will be a different matter。〃
〃You can at least tell him the rogues are in the Braeryn。〃
〃Can I? We sifted through the Stenchstreets as well as any outsiders could。 We didn't find the house where the runaways hang their cloaks; and we actually have only the flimsiest of reasons for assuming it's in the Braeryn at all。〃
〃I suppose you're right。〃
〃Of course。 When am I not? Now; here's what I intend to do: Find the rogues' hiding place。 Discover who the Prophet is and how his wizardry— or whatever it is—works。 Learn where the firepots came from; where they're cached around the city; and the master plan for the rebellion。 And most importantly of all; determine what the fugitives know about the clergy losing its magic。〃
〃In hopes of ing out of this affair more powerful than you ever were before。〃
Pharaun grinned。 〃More powerful than we ever were before。 That might dispel your boredom for good and all。〃
〃And those are the real reasons you aren't ready to go back to Tier Breche。〃
〃All my motives are genuine; including my wariness of Gromph。 I take it you are in a frantic hurry to return?〃
Ryld sighed。 〃I'm in no rush。 Our excursion has been interesting; and I like to finish what I start; but what if the ores rebel before we get around to warning our fellow drow?〃
〃Then we'll make sure never to tell anyone we knew it was ing。〃 The wizard grinned and added; 〃Actually; the awareness that we race to avert a calamity will make our exploits all the more stimulating。〃
〃And should we lose the race; maybe the rebellion won't kill anyone who matters to the two of us。 I suppose I agree。 We'll keep on searching。〃
Bearing a silver tray; the goblin bustled to the side of the pool。 Bending the knees of his splayed; bristly legs; he brought the salver low enough for the dark elves to take the goblets on top of it。
Pharaun gave the thrall a smile and a wave; dismissing him; then lifted his cup。
〃To mystery and glory〃
Ryld sipped from his own cup; acknowledging the toast。 The drink was red morel juice; sweet and very cold; a pleasant contrast to the heat of the water。
〃So I guess it's back to looking like ores;〃 said the weapons master。
〃I grieve to disappoint you; but the time for that sort of deception has passed。〃
〃What do you mean? If we don't look like undercreatures; how are we going to get into another one of those secret meetings?〃
〃We don't know that the Prophet will hold another assembly。 He's already explained his strategy and distributed his secret weapon。 Even if he does; it might not be for several days; during which we'll have Greyanna seeking us relentlessly。 We've evaded her so far; but we must acknowledge the possibility that our luck could sour eventually。〃 〃You're right about that。〃
〃Therefore; we need to find the rogues quickly; which means a change of tactics is in order。 Why are the boys trying to instigate a goblin revolt?〃
〃I don't know。〃
〃Nor do I; really。 It doesn't appear to make sense。 Still; would you agree that the intent; like the act of eloping itself; reflects an antipathy to the established order?〃
〃Then let's assume the Prophet or some other ringleader lured the males away from their homes because he knew they were more than ordinarily resentful of their places in the world。〃
〃It's possible。 Where does the notion lead?〃
The wizard grinned and said; 〃If we demonstrate that we share their distemper; the rogues may recruit us as well。〃
〃How can we do that? We may not be clerics; but we're Masters of the Academy。 We're pillars of the hierarchy; and more to the point; we have a pleasanter lot and thus less reason for discontent than most。〃
〃That doesn't seem to slow you down。〃
〃Even so。〃
〃Here's what you're overlooking。 Thanks to my misadventure with the Sarthos demon; I'm a disgraced master; likely in line for some ghastly punishment。 Whereas you with your dour demeanor and dwarven armor are clearly an iconoclast and malcontent。 Moreover; we've been asking everywhere for news of the runaways。 They must know of it; even though they didn't see fit to make contact。 During that same time; a high priestess from House Mizzrym has tried to murder us。 They surely have some cognizance of that as well。〃
〃Yet they still didn't approach us。 Why would they do it now?〃
Pharaun smiled。 〃Because we'll provide proof that we do in fact share their perspective。〃
〃The priestesses lead regular patrols through the Bazaar。 We'll destroy one; repair to the Braeryn; boast of the deed; and await developments。 The rogues will seek us out。 How can they not? Whatever their ultimate objective; I'm sure they can use the services of two such talented fellows。〃
〃No doubt; but back up。 You want to murder a patrol?〃
〃In as showy a manner as possible。 With a bit of planning; it should be easy enough。 They won't be as numerous as Greyanna's hunters and they won't be expecting that sort of trouble。〃
〃What happened to not killing anybody; especially clerics; unless we absolutely have to?〃
〃We do absolutely have to。 We're in a race against time; remember; and this is the speediest route to our objective。〃
〃Maybe; but what happens afterward? Won't any number of folk want to punish us for our impudence?〃
〃We won't confide our involvement to those likely to prove unsympathetic。〃
〃The priestesses will figure it out。〃
〃Ah; but snug and safe in the lair of our friend the Prophet; we won't care。 Besides; the Council has already authorized our annihilation; so we really have nothing to lose。〃
〃Perhaps the crime can't worsen our current situation; but what about the long term?〃
〃In the long term;〃 Pharaun said; 〃it wont matter。 As you yourself observed mere moments ago; we Menzoberranyr are a pragmatic lot。 People five whatever