


[夜与日].(night.and.day).(英)弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙.文字版- 第135部分

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flowers; breathed in their sweetness; and; humming a 
little song about a miller’s daughter; left the room。 

The case upon which Ralph Denham was engaged that 
afternoon was not apparently receiving his full attention; 
and yet the affairs of the late John Leake of Dublin 
were sufficiently confused to need all the care that a 
solicitor could bestow upon them; if the widow Leake 
and the five Leake children of tender age were to receive 
any pittance at all。 But the appeal to Ralph’s humanity 
had little chance of being heard today; he was no longer 
a model of concentration。 The partition so carefully erected 
between the different sections of his life had been broken 
down; with the result that though his eyes were fixed 


Virginia Woolf 

upon the last Will and Testament; he saw through the 
page a certain drawingroom in Cheyne Walk。 

He tried every device that had proved effective in the 
past for keeping up the partitions of the mind; until he 
could decently go home; but a little to his alarm he found 
himself assailed so persistently; as if from outside; by 
Katharine; that he launched forth desperately into an 
imaginary interview with her。 She obliterated a bookcase 
full of law reports; and the corners and lines of the room 
underwent a curious softening of outline like that which 
sometimes makes a room unfamiliar at the moment of 
waking from sleep。 By degrees; a pulse or stress began to 
beat at regular intervals in his mind; heaping his thoughts 
into waves to which words fitted themselves; and without 
much consciousness of what he was doing; he began 
to write on a sheet of draft paper what had the appearance 
of a poem lacking several words in each line。 Not 
many lines had been set down; however; before he threw 
away his pen as violently as if that were responsible for 
his misdeeds; and tore the paper into many separate 
pieces。 This was a sign that Katharine had asserted her

self and put to him a remark that could not be met poetically。 
Her remark was entirely destructive of poetry; since 
it was to the effect that poetry had nothing whatever to 
do with her; all her friends spent their lives in making up 
phrases; she said; all his feeling was an illusion; and next 
moment; as if to taunt him with his impotence; she had 
sunk into one of those dreamy states which took no account 
whatever of his existence。 Ralph was roused by his 
passionate attempts to attract her attention to the fact 
that he was standing in the middle of his little private 
room in Lincoln’s Inn Fields at a considerable distance 
from Chelsea。 The physical distance increased his desperation。 
He began pacing in circles until the process 
sickened him; and then took a sheet of paper for the 
position of a letter which; he vowed before he began 
it; should be sent that same evening。 

It was a difficult matter to put into words; poetry would 
have done it better justice; but he must abstain from 
poetry。 In an infinite number of halfobliterated scratches 
he tried to convey to her the possibility that although 
human beings are woefully illadapted for munica


Night and Day 

tion; still; such munion is the best we know; moreover; 
they make it possible for each to have access to 
another world independent of personal affairs; a world of 
law; of philosophy; or more strangely a world such as he 
had had a glimpse of the other evening when together 
they seemed to be sharing something; creating something; 
an ideal—a vision flung out in advance of our 
actual circumstances。 If this golden rim were quenched; 
if life were no longer circled by an illusion (but was it an 
illusion after all?); then it would be too dismal an affair 
to carry to an end; so he wrote with a sudden spurt of 
conviction which made clear way for a space and left at 
least one sentence standing whole。 Making every allowance 
for other desires; on the whole this conclusion appeared 
to him to justify their relationship。 But the conclusion 
was mystical; it plunged him into thought。 The 
difficulty with which even this amount was written; the 
inadequacy of the words; and the need of writing under 
them and over them others which; after all; did no better; 
led him to leave off before he was at ail satisfied 
with his production; and unable to resist the conviction 

that such rambling would never be fit for Katharine’s eye。 
He felt himself more cut off from her than ever。 In idleness; 
and because he could do nothing further with words; 
he began to draw little figures in the blank spaces; heads 
meant to resemble her head; blots fringed with flames 
meant to represent—perhaps the entire universe。 From 
this occupation he was roused by the message that a 
lady wished to speak to him。 He had scarcely time to run 
his hands through his hair in order to look as much like a 
solicitor as possible; and to cram his papers into his 
pocket; already overe with shame that another eye 
should behold them; when he realized that his preparations 
were needless。 The lady was Mrs。 Hilbery。 

“I hope you’re not disposing of somebody’s fortune in a 
hurry;” she remarked; gazing at the documents on his 
table; “or cutting off an entail at one blow; because I 
want to ask you to do me a favor。 And Anderson won’t 
keep his horse waiting。 (Anderson is a perfect tyrant; but 
he drove my dear father to the Abbey the day they buried 
him。) I made bold to e to you; Mr。 Denham; not exactly 
in search of legal assistance (though I don’t know 


Virginia Woolf 

who I’d rather e to; if I were in trouble); but in order 
to ask your help in settling some tiresome little domestic 
affairs that have arisen in my absence。 I’ve been to 
StratfordonAvon (I must tell you all about that one of 
these days); and there I got a letter from my sisterinlaw; 
a dear kind goose who likes interfering with other 
people’s children because she’s got none of her own。 (We’re 
dreadfully afraid that she’s going to lose the sight of one 
of her eyes; and I always feel that our physical ailments 
are so apt to turn into mental ailments。 I think Matthew 
Arnold says something of the same kind about Lord Byron。) 
But that’s neither here nor there。” 

The effect of these parentheses; whether they were introduced 
for that purpose or represented a natural instinct 
on Mrs。 Hilbery’s part to embellish the bareness of 
her discourse; gave Ralph time to perceive that she possessed 
all the facts of their situation and was e; somehow; 
in the capacity of ambassador。 

“I didn’t e here to talk about Lord Byron;” Mrs。 
Hilbery continued; with a little laugh; “though I know 
that both you and Katharine; unlike other young people 

of your generation; still find him worth reading。” She 
paused。 “I’m so glad you’ve made Katharine read poetry; 
Mr。 Denham!” she exclaimed; “and feel poetry; and look 
poetry! She can’t talk it yet; but she will—oh; she will!” 

Ralph; whose hand was grasped and whose tongue almost 
refused to articulate; somehow contrived to say that there 
were moments when he felt hopeless; utter
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