of meters was very great; and; if the beauty of a
drama depended upon the variety of measures in which
the personages speak; Rodney’s plays must have challenged
the works of Shakespeare。 Katharine’s ignorance
of Shakespeare did not prevent her from feeling fairly
certain that plays should not produce a sense of chill
stupor in the audience; such as overcame her as the lines
flowed on; sometimes long and sometimes short; but always
delivered with the same lilt of voice; which seemed
to nail each line firmly on to the same spot in the hearer’s
brain。 Still; she reflected; these sorts of skill are almost
exclusively masculine; women neither practice them nor
know how to value them; and one’s husband’s proficiency
in this direction might legitimately increase one’s respect
for him; since mystification is no bad basis for respect。
No one could doubt that William was a scholar。 The reading
ended with the finish of the Act; Katharine had prepared
a little speech。
“That seems to me extremely well written; William; although;
of course; I don’t know enough to criticize in
“But it’s the skill that strikes you—not the emotion?”
“In a fragment like that; of course; the skill strikes one
“But perhaps—have you time to listen to one more
short piece? the scene between the lovers? There’s some
real feeling in that; I think。 Denham agrees that it’s the
best thing I’ve done。”
“You’ve read it to Ralph Denham?” Katharine inquired;
with surprise。 “He’s a better judge than I am。 What did
he say?”
“My dear Katharine;” Rodney exclaimed; “I don’t ask
Virginia Woolf
you for criticism; as I should ask a scholar。 I dare say
there are only five men in England whose opinion of my
work matters a straw to me。 But I trust you where feeling
is concerned。 I had you in my mind often when I was
writing those scenes。 I kept asking myself; ‘Now is this
the sort of thing Katharine would like?’ I always think of
you when I’m writing; Katharine; even when it’s the sort
of thing you wouldn’t know about。 And I’d rather—yes; I
really believe I’d rather—you thought well of my writing
than any one in the world。”
This was so genuine a tribute to his trust in her that
Katharine was touched。
“You think too much of me altogether; William;” she
said; forgetting that she had not meant to speak in this
“No; Katharine; I don’t;” he replied; replacing his manuscript
in the drawer。 “It does me good to think of you。”
So quiet an answer; followed as it was by no expression
of love; but merely by the statement that if she must go
he would take her to the Strand; and would; if she could
wait a moment; change his dressinggown for a coat;
moved her to the warmest feeling of affection for him
that she had yet experienced。 While he changed in the
next room; she stood by the bookcase; taking down books
and opening them; but reading nothing on their pages。
She felt certain that she would marry Rodney。 How could
one avoid it? How could one find fault with it? Here she
sighed; and; putting the thought of marriage away; fell
into a dream state; in which she became another person;
and the whole world seemed changed。 Being a frequent
visitor to that world; she could find her way there
unhesitatingly。 If she had tried to analyze her impressions;
she would have said that there dwelt the realities
of the appearances which figure in our world; so direct;
powerful; and unimpeded were her sensations there; pared
with those called forth in actual life。 There dwelt
the things one might have felt; had there been cause;
the perfect happiness of which here we taste the fragment;
the beauty seen here in flying glimpses only。 No
doubt much of the furniture of this world was drawn directly
from the past; and even from the England of the
Elizabethan age。 However the embellishment of this imagi
Night and Day
nary world might change; two qualities were constant in
it。 It was a place where feelings were liberated from the
constraint which the real world puts upon them; and the
process of awakenment was always marked by resignation
and a kind of stoical acceptance of facts。 She met no
acquaintance there; as Denham did; miraculously transfigured;
she played no heroic part。 But there certainly
she loved some magnanimous hero; and as they swept
together among the leafhung trees of an unknown world;
they shared the feelings which came fresh and fast as the
waves on the shore。 But the sands of her liberation were
running fast; even through the forest branches came
sounds of Rodney moving things on his dressingtable;
and Katharine woke herself from this excursion by shutting
the cover of the book she was holding; and replacing
it in the bookshelf。
“William;” she said; speaking rather faintly at first; like
one sending a voice from sleep to reach the living。 “William;”
she repeated firmly; “if you still want me to marry
you; I will。”
Perhaps it was that no man could expect to have the
most momentous question of his life settled in a voice so
level; so toneless; so devoid of joy or energy。 At any rate
William made no answer。 She waited stoically。 A moment
later he stepped briskly from his dressingroom; and observed
that if she wanted to buy more oysters he thought
he knew where they could find a fishmonger’s shop still
open。 She breathed deeply a sigh of relief。
Extract from a letter sent a few days later by Mrs。 Hilbery
to her sisterinlaw; Mrs。 Milvain:
“ … How stupid of me to forget the name in my telegram。
Such a nice; rich; English name; too; and; in addition;
he has all the graces of intellect; he has read literally
everything。 I tell Katharine; I shall always put him on
my right side at dinner; so as to have him by me when
people begin talking about characters in Shakespeare。
They won’t be rich; but they’ll be very; very happy。 I was
sitting in my room late one night; feeling that nothing
nice would ever happen to me again; when I heard
Katharine outside in the passage; and I thought to my
Virginia Woolf
self; ‘Shall I call her in?’ and then I thought (in that
hopeless; dreary way one does think; with the fire going
out and one’s birthday just over); ‘Why should I lay my
troubles on her?’ But my little selfcontrol had its reward;
for next moment she tapped at the door and came in; and
sat on the rug; and though we neither of us said anything;
I felt so happy all of a second that I couldn’t help
crying; ‘Oh; Katharine; when you e to my age; how I
hope you’ll have a daughter; too!’ You know how silent
Katharine is。 She was so silent; for such a long time; that
in my foolish; nervous state I dreaded something; I don’t
quite know what。 And then she told me how; after all;
she had made up her mind。 She had written。 She expected
him tomorrow。 At first I wasn’t glad at all。 I didn’t
want her to marry any one; but when she said; ‘It will
make no difference。 I shall always care for you and fath