


[夜与日].(night.and.day).(英)弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙.文字版- 第5部分

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“Dear things!” she exclaimed。 “Dear chairs and tables! 
How like old friends they are—faithful; silent friends。 
Which reminds me; Katharine; little Mr。 Anning is ing 
tonight; and Tite Street; and Cadogan Square… 。 Do 
remember to get that drawing of your greatuncle glazed。 
Aunt Millicent remarked it last time she was here; and I 
know how it would hurt me to see MY father in a broken 

It was like tearing through a maze of diamondglittering 
spiders’ webs to say goodbye and escape; for at each 
movement Mrs。 Hilbery remembered something further 
about the villainies of pictureframers or the delights of 
poetry; and at one time it seemed to the young man that 
he would be hypnotized into doing what she pretended 
to want him to do; for he could not suppose that she 
attached any value whatever to his presence。 Katharine; 
however; made an opportunity for him to leave; and for 
that he was grateful to her; as one young person is grateful 
for the understanding of another。 


The young man shut the door with a sharper slam than 
any visitor had used that afternoon; and walked up the 
street at a great pace; cutting the air with his walkingstick。 
He was glad to find himself outside that drawing
room; breathing raw fog; and in contact with unpolished 
people who only wanted their share of the pavement allowed 
them。 He thought that if he had had Mr。 or Mrs。 or 
Miss Hilbery out here he would have made them; somehow; 
feel his superiority; for he was chafed by the memory 
of halting awkward sentences which had failed to give 
even the young woman with the sad; but inwardly ironical 
eyes a hint of his force。 He tried to recall the actual 
words of his little outburst; and unconsciously supplemented 
them by so many words of greater expressiveness 
that the irritation of his failure was somewhat assuaged。 
Sudden stabs of the unmitigated truth assailed him now 
and then; for he was not inclined by nature to take a rosy 
view of his conduct; but what with the beat of his foot 
upon the pavement; and the glimpse which halfdrawn 


Night and Day 

curtains offered him of kitchens; diningrooms; and draw
ingrooms; illustrating with mute power different scenes 
from different lives; his own experience lost its sharpness。 

His own experience underwent a curious change。 His 
speed slackened; his head sank a little towards his breast; 
and the lamplight shone now and again upon a face grown 
strangely tranquil。 His thought was so absorbing that 
when it became necessary to verify the name of a street; 
he looked at it for a time before he read it; when he came 
to a crossing; he seemed to have to reassure himself by 
two or three taps; such as a blind man gives; upon the 
curb; and; reaching the Underground station; he blinked 
in the bright circle of light; glanced at his watch; decided 
that he might still indulge himself in darkness; and 
walked straight on。 

And yet the thought was the thought with which he 
had started。 He was still thinking about the people in the 
house which he had left; but instead of remembering; 
with whatever accuracy he could; their looks and sayings; 
he had consciously taken leave of the literal truth。 
A turn of the street; a firelit room; something monumen

tal in the procession of the lampposts; who shall say 
what accident of light or shape had suddenly changed 
the prospect within his mind; and led him to murmur 

“She’ll do… 。 Yes; Katharine Hilbery’ll do… 。 I’ll take 
Katharine Hilbery。” 

As soon as he had said this; his pace slackened; his 
head fell; his eyes became fixed。 The desire to justify 
himself; which had been so urgent; ceased to torment 
him; and; as if released from constraint; so that they 
worked without friction or bidding; his faculties leapt 
forward and fixed; as a matter of course; upon the form 
of Katharine Hilbery。 It was marvellous how much they 
found to feed upon; considering the destructive nature 
of Denham’s criticism in her presence。 The charm; which 
he had tried to disown; when under the effect of it; the 
beauty; the character; the aloofness; which he had been 
determined not to feel; now possessed him wholly; and 
when; as happened by the nature of things; he had exhausted 
his memory; he went on with his imagination。 
He was conscious of what he was about; for in thus dwell


Virginia Woolf 

ing upon Miss Hilbery’s qualities; he showed a kind of 
method; as if he required this vision of her for a particular 
purpose。 He increased her height; he darkened her 
hair; but physically there was not much to change in her。 
His most daring liberty was taken with her mind; which; 
for reasons of his own; he desired to be exalted and infallible; 
and of such independence that it was only in the 
case of Ralph Denham that it swerved from its high; swift 
flight; but where he was concerned; though fastidious at 
first; she finally swooped from her eminence to crown 
him with her approval。 These delicious details; however; 
were to be worked out in all their ramifications at his 
leisure; the main point was that Katharine Hilbery would 
do; she would do for weeks; perhaps for months。 In taking 
her he had provided himself with something the lack 
of which had left a bare place in his mind for a considerable 
time。 He gave a sigh of satisfaction; his consciousness 
of his actual position somewhere in the neighborhood 
of Knightsbridge returned to him; and he was soon 
speeding in the train towards Highgate。 

Although thus supported by the knowledge of his new 

possession of considerable value; he was not proof against 
the familiar thoughts which the suburban streets and the 
damp shrubs growing in front gardens and the absurd 
names painted in white upon the gates of those gardens 
suggested to him。 His walk was uphill; and his mind dwelt 
gloomily upon the house which he approached; where he 
would find six or seven brothers and sisters; a widowed 
mother; and; probably; some aunt or uncle sitting down 
to an unpleasant meal under a very bright light。 Should 
he put in force the threat which; two weeks ago; some 
such gathering had wrung from him—the terrible threat 
that if visitors came on Sunday he should dine alone in 
his room? A glance in the direction of Miss Hilbery determined 
him to make his stand this very night; and accordingly; 
having let himself in; having verified the presence 
of Uncle Joseph by means of a bowler hat and a very 
large umbrella; he gave his orders to the maid; and went 
upstairs to his room。 

He went up a great many flights of stairs; and he noticed; 
as he had very seldom noticed; how the carpet 
became steadily shabbier; until it ceased altogether; how 


Night and Day 

the walls were discolored; sometimes by cascades of damp; 
and sometimes by the outlines of pictureframes since 
removed; how the paper flapped loose at the corners; 
and a great flake of plaster had fallen from the ceiling。 
The room itself was a cheerless one to return to at this 
inauspicious hour。 A flattened sofa would; later in the 
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