shattered off Edward’s skin and sent sparkles dancing across Seth’s fur。
And then Edward whispered urgently; “Go; Seth!”
The huge wolf wheeled and disappeared into the forest shadows。
Had two entire seconds passed? It felt like hours。 I was terrified to the point of nausea by the knowledge
that something horrible had gone awry in the clearing。 I opened my mouth to demand that Edward take me
there; and do it now。 They needed him; and they needed me。 If I had to bleed to save them; I would do it。 I
would die to do it; like the third wife。 I had no silver dagger in my hand; but I would find a way —
Before I could get the first syllable out; I felt as if I was being flung through the air。 But Edward’s hands
never let go of me — I was only being moved; so quickly that the sensation was like falling sideways。
I found myself with my back pressed against the sheer cliff face。 Edward stood in front of me; holding a
posture that I knew at once。
Relief washed through my mind at the same time that my stomach dropped through the soles of my feet。
I’d misunderstood。
Relief — nothing had gone wrong in the clearing。
Horror — the crisis was here。
Edward held a defensive position — halfcrouched; his arms extended slightly — that I recognized with
sickening certainty。 The rock at my back could have been the ancient brick walls of the Italian alley where he
had stood between me and the blackcloaked Volturi warriors。
Something was ing for us。
“Who?” I whispered。
The words came through his teeth in a snarl that was louder than I expected。 Too loud。 It meant that it was
far too late to hide。 We were trapped; and it didn’t matter who heard his answer。
“Victoria;” he said; spitting the word; making it a curse。 “She’s not alone。 She crossed my scent; following
the newborns in to watch — she never meant to fight with them。 She made a spurofthemoment decision to
find me; guessing that you would be wherever I was。 She was right。 You were right。 It was always Victoria。”
She was close enough that he could hear her thoughts。
Relief again。 If it had been the Volturi; we were both dead。 But with Victoria; it didn’t have to be both。
Edward could survive this。 He was a good fighter; as good as Jasper。 If she didn’t bring too many others; he
could fight his way out; back to his family。 Edward was faster than anyone。 He could make it。
I was so glad he’d sent Seth away。 Of course; there was no one Seth could run to for help。 Victoria had
timed her decision perfectly。 But at least Seth was safe; I couldn’t see the huge sandy wolf in my head when I
thought his name — just the gangly fifteenyearold boy。
Edward’s body shifted — only infinitesimally; but it told me where to look。 I stared at the black shadows
of the forest。
It was like having my nightmares walk forward to greet me。
Two vampires edged slowly into the small opening of our camp; eyes intent; missing nothing。 They
glistened like diamonds in the sun。
I could barely look at the blond boy — yes; he was just a boy; though he was muscular and tall; maybe
my age when he was changed。 His eyes — a more vivid red than I had ever seen before — could not hold
mine。 Though he was closest to Edward; the nearest danger; I could not watch him。
Because; a few feet to the side and a few feet back; Victoria was staring at me。
Her orange hair was brighter than I’d remembered; more like a flame。 There was no wind here; but the
fire around her face seemed to shimmer slightly; as if it were alive。
Her eyes were black with thirst。 She did not smile; as she always had in my nightmares — her lips were
pressed into a tight line。 There was a striking feline quality to the way she held her coiled body; a lioness
waiting for an opening to spring。 Her restless; wild gaze flickered between Edward and me; but never rested
on him for more than a halfsecond。 She could not keep her eyes from my face any more than I could keep
mine from hers。
Tension rolled off of her; nearly visible in the air。 I could feel the desire; the allconsuming passion that held
her in its grip。 Almost as if I could hear her thoughts; too; I knew what she was thinking。
She was so close to what she wanted — the focus of her whole existence for more than a year now was
just so close。
My death。
Her plan was as obvious as it was practical。 The big blond boy would attack Edward。 As soon as Edward
was sufficiently distracted; Victoria would finish me。
It would be quick — she had no time for games here — but it would be thorough。 Something that it would
be impossible to recover from。 Something that even vampire venom could not repair。
She’d have to stop my heart。 Perhaps a hand shoved through my chest; crushing it。 Something along those
My heart beat furiously; loudly; as if to make her target more obvious。
An immense distance away; from far across the black forest; a wolf’s howl echoed in the still air。 With
Seth gone; there was no way to interpret the sound。
The blond boy looked at Victoria from the corner of his eye; waiting on her mand。
He was young in more ways than one。 I guessed from his brilliant crimson irises that he couldn’t have been
a vampire for very long。 He would be strong; but inept。 Edward would know how to fight him。 Edward would
Victoria jerked her chin toward Edward; wordlessly ordering the boy forward。
“Riley;” Edward said in a soft; pleading voice。
The blond boy froze; his red eyes widening。
“She’s lying to you; Riley;” Edward told him。 “Listen to me。 She’s lying to you just like she lied to the
others who are dying now in the clearing。 You know that she’s lied to them; that she had you lie to them; that
neither of you were ever going to help them。 Is it so hard to believe that she’s lied to you; too?”
Confusion swept across Riley’s face。
Edward shifted a few inches to the side; and Riley automatically pensated with an adjustment of his
“She doesn’t love you; Riley。” Edward’s soft voice was pelling; almost hypnotic。 “She never has。 She
loved someone named James; and you’re no more than a tool to her。”
When he said James’s name; Victoria’s lips pulled back in a teethbaring grimace。 Her eyes stayed locked
on me。
Riley cast a frantic glance in her direction。
“Riley?” Edward said。
Riley automatically refocused on Edward。
“She knows that I will kill you; Riley。 She wants you to die so that she doesn’t have to keep up the
pretense anymore。 Yes — you’ve seen that; haven’t you? You’ve read the reluctance in her eyes; suspected a
false note in her promises。 You were right。 She’s never wanted you。 Every kiss; every touch was a lie。”
Edward moved again; moved a few inches toward the boy; a few inches away from me。
Victoria’s gaze zeroed in on the gap between us。 It would take her less than a second to kill me — she
only needed the tiniest margin of opportunity。
Slower this time; Riley repositioned himself。
“You don’t have to die;” Edward promised; his eyes holding the boy’s。 “There are other ways to live than
the way she’s shown you。 It’s