《3 eclipse月食》



3 eclipse月食- 第20部分

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free of the clouds。 His teeth gleamed bright against his russet skin。 “I can’t believe it!” 
He ran to the truck and halfyanked me through the open door; and then we were both jumping up and 
down like kids。 
“How did you get here?” 
“I snuck out!” 
“Hey; Bella!” Billy had rolled himself into the doorway to see what all the motion was about。 
“Hey; Bil —!” 

Just then my air choked off — Jacob grabbed me up in a bear hug too tight to breathe and swung me 
around in a circle。 
“Wow; it’s good to see you here!” 
“Can’t 。 。 。 breathe;” I gasped。 
He laughed and put me down。 
“Wele back; Bella;” he said; grinning。 And the way he said the words made it sound like wele 

We started walking; too keyed up to sit still in the house。 Jacob was practically bouncing as he moved; and I 
had to remind him a few times that my legs weren’t ten feet long。 
As we walked; I felt myself settling into another version of myself; the self I had been with Jacob。 A little 
younger; a little less responsible。 Someone who might; on occasion; do something really stupid for no good 
Our exuberance lasted through the first few topics of conversation: how we were doing; what we were up 
to; how long I had; and what had brought me here。 When I hesitantly told him about the wolf flyer; his 
bellowing laugh echoed back from the trees。 
But then; as we ambled past the back of the store and shoved through the thick scrub that ringed the far 
edge of First Beach; we got to the hard parts。 All too soon we had to talk about the reasons behind our long 
separation; and I watched as the face of my friend hardened into the bitter mask that was already too familiar。 
“So what’s the story; anyway?” Jacob asked me; kicking a piece of driftwood out of his way with too 
much force。 It sailed over the sand and then clattered against the rocks。 “I mean; since the last time we 。 。 。 
well; before; you know 。 。 。” He struggled for the words。 He took a deep breath and tried again。 “What I’m 
asking is 。 。 。 everything is just back to the way it was before he left? You forgave him for all of that?” 
I took a deep breath。 “There was nothing to forgive。” 
I wanted to skip past this part; the betrayals; the accusations; but I knew that we had to talk it through 
before we’d be able to move on to anything else。 
Jacob’s face puckered up like he’d just licked a lemon。 “I wish Sam had taken a picture when he found 
you that night last September。 It would be exhibit A。” 
“Nobody’s on trial。” 
“Maybe somebody should be。” 
“Not even you would blame him for leaving; if you knew the reason why。” 
He glared at me for a few seconds。 “Okay;” he challenged acidly。 “Amaze me。” 
His hostility was wearing on me — chafing against the raw; it hurt to have him angry with me。 It reminded 
me of the bleak afternoon; long ago; when — under orders from Sam — he’d told me we couldn’t be friends。 
I took a second to pose myself。 
“Edward left me last fall because he didn’t think I should be hanging out with vampires。 He thought it 
would be healthier for me if he left。” 
Jacob did a double take。 He had to scramble for a minute。 Whatever he’d been planning to say; it clearly 
no longer applied。 I was glad he didn’t know the catalyst behind Edward’s decision。 I could only imagine what 
he’d think if he knew Jasper had tried to kill me。 
“He came back; though; didn’t he?” Jacob muttered。 “Too bad he can’t stick to a decision。” 
“If you remember; I went and got him。” 
Jacob stared at me for a moment; and then he backed off。 His face relaxed; and his voice was calmer 
when he spoke。 
“That’s true。 So I never did get the story。 What happened?” 
I hesitated; biting my lip。 
“Is it a secret?” His voice took on a taunting edge。 “Are you not allowed to tell me?” 
“No;” I snapped。 “It’s just a really long story。” 
Jacob smiled; arrogant; and turned to walk up the beach; expecting me to follow。 
It was no fun being with Jacob if he was going to act like this。 I trailed behind him automatically; not sure if 
I shouldn’t turn around and leave。 I was going to have to face Alice; though; when I got home。 。 。 。 I supposed 
I wasn’t in any rush。 

Jacob walked to a huge; familiar piece of driftwood — an entire tree; roots and all; bleached white and 
beached deep in the sand; it was our tree; in a way。 
Jacob sat down on the natural bench; and patted the space next to him。 
“I don’t mind long stories。 Is there any action?” 
I rolled my eyes as I sat next to him。 “There’s some action;” I allowed。 
“It wouldn’t be real horror without action。” 
“Horror!” I scoffed。 “Can you listen; or will you be interrupting me with rude ments about my friends? 
He pretended to lock his lips and then threw the invisible key over his shoulder。 I tried not to smile; and 
“I’ll have to start with the stuff you were already there for;” I decided; working to organize the stories in 
my head before I began。 
Jacob raised his hand。 
“Go ahead。” 
“That’s good;” he said。 “I didn’t understand much that was going on at the time。” 
“Yeah; well; it gets plicated; so pay attention。 You know how Alice sees things?” 
I took his scowl — the wolves weren’t thrilled that the legends of vampires possessing supernatural gifts 
were true — for a yes; and proceeded with the account of my race through Italy to rescue Edward。 
I kept it as succinct as possible — leaving out anything that wasn’t essential。 I tried to read Jacob’s 
reactions; but his face was enigmatic as I explained how Alice had seen Edward plan to kill himself when he’d 
heard that I was dead。 Sometimes Jacob seemed so deep in thought; I wasn’t sure if he was listening。 He only 
interrupted one time。 
“The fortuelling bloodsucker can’t see us?” he echoed; his face both fierce and gleeful。 “Seriously? 
That’s excellent!” 
I clenched my teeth together; and we sat in silence; his face expectant as he waited for me to continue。 I 
glared at him until he realized his mistake。 
“Oops!” he said。 “Sorry。” He locked his lips again。 
His response was easier to read when I got to the part about the Volturi。 His teeth clenched together; 
goose bumps rose on his arms; and his nostrils flared。 I didn’t go into specifics; I just told him that Edward had 
talked us out of trouble; without revealing the promise we’d had to make; or the visit we were anticipating。 
Jacob didn’t need to have my nightmares。 
“Now you know the whole story;” I concluded。 “So it’s your turn to talk。 What happened while I was 
with my mom this weekend?” I knew Jacob would give me more details than Edward had。 He wasn’t afraid of 
scaring me。 
Jacob leaned forward; instantly animated。 “So Embry and Quil and I were running patrol on Saturday 
night; just routine stuff; when out of nowhere — bam!” He threw his arms out; impersonating an explosion。 
“There it is — a fresh trail; not fifteen minutes old。 Sam wanted us to wait for him; but I didn’t know you were 
gone; and I didn’t know if your bloodsuckers were keeping an eye on you or not。 So we took off after her
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