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ou in the New Year。 

Happy Christmas to you察my dear friend察


With all my love察

Joseph Merrick

Chapter 6


Outside the Hospital


Merrick had a lo of friends now察but he was more like a child than a man。 He could read about things察and talk to his visitors察but he could not go out of the hospital by himself。 He thought and played like a child。 

After Christmas察he wanted to go to the theatre。 This was very difficult察because I did not want the people in the theatre to see him。 But a kind lady from the theatre!Mrs Kendal!helped us。 We bought tickets for a box at the side of the theatre We went to the theatre in a cab with dark windows察and we went into the theatre by a door at the back!the Queen's door。 Nobody saw us。 

Three nurses sat at the front of the box察and Merrick and I sat in the dark behind them。 Nobody in the theatre could see us察but we could see the play。 

It was a children's Christmas play。 Merrick loved it。 It was a most wonderful察exciting story。 Often he laughed察and sometimes he tried to sing like the children in the theatre。 He was like a child。 For him察everything in the story was true。 

Once he was very afraid察because the bad man in the play was angry and had a knife。 At first Merrick wanted to leave the theatre察but I stopped him。 Then he was very angry with this bad man in the play。 He hit his hand on his chair察and stood up and talked to the man。 But nobody heard him。 When  42the bad man went to prison察Merrick laughed。 

Merrick thought the beautiful young lady in the play was wonderful。 He wanted to talk to her too。 At the end of the play he was very happy because she married a good young man。 

He remembered this play for a long time察and he talked a lot about the people in it。 `What do you think they did after we left拭he asked me。 `Where do the young lady and the young man live拭What are they doing now拭

`I don't know察I said。 `Perhaps they live in the country。 ¨

Merrick thought about this for a long time。 Then he said此Dr Treves察can I go to the country察pleaseI saw the country once from a train察but I never went there。 I often read about it in books。 It's very beautiful察isn't itI would like to see it。 ¨

The visit to the theatre was difficult but a visit to the country was more difficult。 But again察one of his new friends helped us。 She had a small house in the country察and Merrick could stay in it for the summer察she said。 

I took Merrick to the country in a train with dark windows察so nobody could see him。 Then we went in a cab to the country house。 

There were a lot of trees near the house察but no people lived near it。 A countryman brought food to the house everyday察but no people came near it。 

I stayed with him that night。 At night察it orning察hundreds of birds sang in the trees察and everything outside the house was green。 Merrick walked under the big trees察looking at things happily察and singing his strange song。 

I went back to London察but Merrick stayed there for six weeks。 He was wonderfully happy。 Every week察he wrote me a letter。 


Apple Tree House察

West Wickham察


21st July 1889


Dear Dr Treves察

I had a wonderful day again today察It was very warm察so I walked under the trees and sat by a stream。 The water in the stream made a beautiful noise察like singing。 Did you know thatI listened to it for two hours。 

Lots of little birds came near me 。 One had a red body in front察and a brown back。 I gave it some bread察and it sat on my hand。 A lot of birds are my friends察now。 

I watched the fish in the stream察too。 They were very exciting察because they move very fast。 One minute they were there察and the next minute I couldn't see them。 But I waited quietly察and they always came back。 I put my hand in the water察but I couldn't touch them。 

I met a big dog yesterday。 It made a very loud noise察but I was not afraid。 I sat down quietly and looked it察and it came and smelt my hand。 I saw it again today察and gave it some bread。 It likes me now。 

I am going to put some flowers from the country in this letter。 There are hundreds of flowers here。 Did you know thatI like the little blue ones best察but they are all beautiful。 I have lots of them in my room。 I give them water every morning。 Little flowers are very thirsty察you know 

I am very happy here察doctor察but I want to see you again soon察too。 


With love from your friend察

Joseph Merrick


At the end of the summer he came back to London。 He was very well察and his skin looked much better。 He talked about the country a lot察but he was happy to see his friends and his books again察

Chapter 7


The Last Letter


Six months later察in April 1890察I found him dead inbed。 He was on his back in bed察so at first I thought he was asleep。 I talked to him察but he did not move。 Then I saw that the skin on his face was blue察so I knew he was dead。 

He did not usually sleep on his back。 His enormous head was very heavy察so he usually sat up in bed with his arms round his legs察and his head on his knees。 He could sleep well like this。 

But he wanted to sleep on his back like you and me。 Hetried to sleep on his back that night察but his heavy head came off the bed察and he broke his neck。 He died very quickly。 

Next day察the Chairman of the London Hospital察Mr Carr Gomm察wrote to the editor of The Times again。 


The Times察April 16th察1890


Dear Sir察

Three and a half years ago I wrote to you about a man called Joseph Merrick。 This man was called`The Elephant Man' because he aws born with a very ugly body。 Merrick was not ill察but he could not work察and he had no money。 

The readers of The Times felt sorry for him察and they gave me a lot of money for Merrick。 Because of this money察we could giveMerrick a home in the Lon´don Hospital。 It was his first good home察and for three and a half years he lived here happily。 The doctors and nurses of the hospital helped him察and many important people visited him。 He read many books察he went to the the atre察and in the summer he stayed in the country for six weeks。 Because of your readers¨ money察we couldgive him a happy life。 

Last night Joseph Merrick died quietly in his bed。 He was a man with a very ugly body察but he was a good察kind man察and he had a lot of friends。 We liked to talk to him察and we are all very sorry because he is dead。 A lot of people are going to remember him for a longtime。 

There is some money left察so I am going to give it to the hospital。 Thank you察sir察for your help。 


Yours faithfully

F。 C。 Carr Gomm

Chairman of The London



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