《四季随笔-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版)》



四季随笔-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版)- 第9部分

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Midway in my long walk yesterday; I lunched at a wayside inn。 On the table lay a copy of a popular magazine。 Glancing over this miscellany; I found an article; by a woman; on 〃Lion Hunting;〃 and in this article I came upon a passage which seemed worth copying。
〃As I woke my husband; the lion……which was then about forty yards off……charged straight towards us; and with my 。303 I hit him full in the chest; as we afterwards discovered; tearing his windpipe to pieces and breaking his spine。 He charged a second time; and the next shot hit him through the shoulder; tearing his heart to ribbons。〃
It would interest me to look upon this heroine of gun and pen。 She is presumably quite a young woman; probably; when at home; a graceful figure in drawing…rooms。 I should like to hear her talk; to exchange thoughts with her。 She would give one a very good idea of the matron of old Rome who had her seat in the amphitheatre。 Many of those ladies; in private life; must have been bright and gracious; high…bred and full of agreeable sentiment; they talked of art and of letters; they could drop a tear over Lesbia's sparrow; at the same time; they were connoisseurs in torn windpipes; shattered spines and viscera rent open。 It is not likely that many of them would have cared to turn their own hands to butchery; and; for the matter of that; I must suppose that our Lion Huntress of the popular magazine is rather an exceptional dame; but no doubt she and the Roman ladies would get on very well together; finding only a few superficial differences。 The fact that her gory reminiscences are weled by an editor with the popular taste in view is perhaps more significant than appears either to editor or public。 Were this lady to write a novel (the chances are she will) it would have the true note of modern vigour。 Of course her style has been formed by her favourite reading; more than probably; her ways of thinking and feeling owe much to the same source。 If not so already; this will soon; I daresay; be the typical Englishwoman。 Certainly; there is 〃no nonsense about her。〃 Such women should breed a remarkable race。
I left the inn in rather a turbid humour。 Moving homeward by a new way; I presently found myself on the side of a little valley; in which lay a farm and an orchard。 The apple trees were in full bloom; and; as I stood gazing; the sun; which had all that day been niggard of its beams; burst forth gloriously。 For what I then saw; I have no words; I can but dream of the still loveliness of that blossomed valley。 Near me; a bee was humming; not far away; a cuckoo called; from the pasture of the farm below came a bleating of lambs。
I am no friend of the people。 As a force; by which the tenor of the time is conditioned; they inspire me with distrust; with fear; as a visible multitude; they make me shrink aloof; and often move me to abhorrence。 For the greater part of my life; the people signified to me the London crowd; and no phrase of temperate meaning would utter my thoughts of them under that aspect。 The people as country… folk are little known to me; such glimpses as I have had of them do not invite to nearer acquaintance。 Every instinct of my being is anti…democratic; and I dread to think of what our England may bee when Demos rules irresistibly。
Right or wrong; this is my temper。 But he who should argue from it that I am intolerant of all persons belonging to a lower social rank than my own would go far astray。 Nothing is more rooted in my mind than the vast distinction between the individual and the class。 Take a man by himself; and there is generally some reason to be found in him; some disposition for good; mass him with his fellows in the social organism; and ten to one he bees a blatant creature; without a thought of his own; ready for any evil to which contagion prompts him。 It is because nations tend to stupidity and baseness that mankind moves so slowly; it is because individuals have a capacity for better things that it moves at all。
In my youth; looking at this man and that; I marvelled that humanity had made so little progress。 Now; looking at men in the multitude; I marvel that they have advanced so far。
Foolishly arrogant as I was; I used to judge the worth of a person by his intellectual power and attainment。 I could see no good where there was no logic; no charm where there was no learning。 Now I think that one has to distinguish between two forms of intelligence; that of the brain; and that of the heart; and I have e to regard the second as by far the more important。 I guard myself against saying that intelligence does not matter; the fool is ever as noxious as he is wearisome。 But assuredly the best people I have known were saved from folly not by the intellect but by the heart。 They e before me; and I see them greatly ignorant; strongly prejudiced; capable of the absurdest mis…reasoning; yet their faces shine with the supreme virtues; kindness; sweetness; modesty; generosity。 Possessing these qualities; they at the same time understand how to use them; they have the intelligence of the heart。
This poor woman who labours for me in my house is even such a one。 From the first I thought her an unusually good servant; after three years of acquaintance; I find her one of the few women I have known who merit the term of excellent。 She can read and write……that is all。 More instruction would; I am sure; have harmed her; for it would have confused her natural motives; without supplying any clear ray of mental guidance。 She is fulfilling the offices for which she was born; and that with a grace of contentment; a joy of conscientiousness; which puts her high among civilized beings。 Her delight is in order and in peace; what greater praise can be given to any of the children of men?
The other day she told me a story of the days gone by。 Her mother; at the age of twelve; went into domestic service; but on what conditions; think you? The girl's father; an honest labouring man; PAID the person whose house she entered one shilling a week for her instruction in the duties she wished to undertake。 What a grinning stare would e to the face of any labourer nowadays; who should be asked to do the like! I no longer wonder that my housekeeper so little resembles the average of her kind。
A day of almost continuous rain; yet for me a day of delight。 I had breakfasted; and was poring over the map of Devon (how I love a good map!) to trace an expedition that I have in view; when a knock came at my door; and Mrs。 M。 bore in a great brown…paper parcel; which I saw at a glance must contain books。 The order was sent to London a few days ago; I had not expected to have my books so soon。 With throbbing heart I set the parcel on a clear table; eyed it whilst I mended the fire; then took my pen…knife; and gravely; deliberately; though with hand that trembled; began to unpack。
It is a joy to go through booksellers' catalogues; ticking here and there a possible purchase。 Formerly; when I could seldom spare money; I kept catalogues as much as possible out of sight; now I savour them page by page; and make a pleasant virtue of the discretion I must needs impose upon myself。 But greater still is the happiness of unpacking volumes which one has bought 
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