《little dorrit-信丽(英文版)》



little dorrit-信丽(英文版)- 第155部分

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'Accordingly; they do it。 Your sister does it。 Your brother does it。 You
alone; my favourite child; whom I made the friend and panion of my
life when you were a mere……hum……Baby; do not do it。

You alone say you can't do it。 I provide you with valuable assistance to
do it。 I attach an acplished and highly bred lady……ha……Mrs General;
to you; for the purpose of doing it。 Is it surprising that I should be
displeased? Is it necessary that I should defend myself for expressing
my displeasure? No!'

Notwithstanding which; he continued to defend himself; without any
abatement of his flushed mood。

'I am careful to appeal to that lady for confirmation; before I express
any displeasure at all。 I……hum……I necessarily make that appeal within
limited bounds; or I……ha……should render legible; by that lady; what I
desire to be blotted out。 Am I selfish? Do I plain for my own sake?
No。 No。 Principally for……ha hum……your sake; Amy。'

This last consideration plainly appeared; from his manner of pursuing
it; to have just that instant e into his head。

'I said I was hurt。 So I am。 So I……ha……am determined to be; whatever
is advanced to the contrary。 I am hurt that my daughter; seated in
the……hum……lap of fortune; should mope and retire and proclaim herself
unequal to her destiny。 I am hurt that she should……ha……systematically
reproduce what the rest of us blot out; and seem……hum……I had almost said
positively anxious……to announce to wealthy and distinguished society
that she was born and bred in……ha hum……a place that I myself decline to
name。 But there is no inconsistency……ha……not the least; in my feeling
hurt; and yet plaining principally for your sake; Amy。 I do; I say
again; I do。 It is for your sake that I wish you; under the auspices of
Mrs General; to form a……hum……a surface。 It is for your sake that I wish
you to have a……ha……truly refined mind; and (in the striking words of
Mrs General) to be ignorant of everything that is not perfectly proper;
placid; and pleasant。'

He had been running down by jerks; during his last speech; like a
sort of ill…adjusted alarum。 The touch was still upon his arm。 He fell
silent; and after looking about the ceiling again for a little while;
looked down at her。 Her head drooped; and he could not see her face; but
her touch was tender and quiet; and in the expression of her dejected
figure there was no blame……nothing but love。 He began to whimper; just
as he had done that night in the prison when she afterwards sat at
his bedside till morning; exclaimed that he was a poor ruin and a poor
wretch in the midst of his wealth; and clasped her in his arms。 'Hush;
hush; my own dear! Kiss me!' was all she said to him。 His tears
were soon dried; much sooner than on the former occasion; and he was
presently afterwards very high with his valet; as a way of righting
himself for having shed any。

With one remarkable exception; to be recorded in its place; this was
the only time; in his life of freedom and fortune; when he spoke to his
daughter Amy of the old days。

But; now; the breakfast hour arrived; and with it Miss Fanny from her
apartment; and Mr Edward from his apartment。 Both these young persons of
distinction were something the worse for late hours。 As to Miss Fanny;
she had bee the victim of an insatiate mania for what she called
'going into society;'and would have gone into it head…foremost fifty
times between sunset and sunrise; if so many opportunities had been at
her disposal。 As to Mr Edward; he; too; had a large acquaintance; and
was generally engaged (for the most part; in diceing circles; or others
of a kindred nature); during the greater part of every night。 For this
gentleman; when his fortunes changed; had stood at the great advantage
of being already prepared for the highest associates; and having little
to learn: so much was he indebted to the happy accidents which had made
him acquainted with horse…dealing and billiard…marking。

At breakfast; Mr Frederick Dorrit likewise appeared。 As the old
gentleman inhabited the highest story of the palace; where he might have
practised pistol…shooting without much chance of discovery by the other
inmates; his younger niece had taken courage to propose the restoration
to him of his clario; which Mr Dorrit had ordered to be confiscated;
but which she had ventured to preserve。 Notwithstanding some objections
from Miss Fanny; that it was a low instrument; and that she detested the
sound of it; the concession had been made。 But it was then discovered
that he had had enough of it; and never played it; now that it was no
longer his means of getting bread。 He had insensibly acquired a new
habit of shuffling into the picture…galleries; always with his twisted
paper of snuff in his hand (much to the indignation of Miss Fanny; who
had proposed the purchase of a gold box for him that the family might
not be discredited; which he had absolutely refused to carry when it was
bought); and of passing hours and hours before the portraits of renowned
Veians。 It was never made out what his dazed eyes saw in them;
whether he had an interest in them merely as pictures; or whether he
confusedly identified them with a glory that was departed; like the
strength of his own mind。 But he paid his court to them with great
exactness; and clearly derived pleasure from the pursuit。 After the
first few days; Little Dorrit happened one morning to assist at these
attentions。 It so evidently heightened his gratification that she often
acpanied him afterwards; and the greatest delight of which the old
man had shown himself susceptible since his ruin; arose out of these
excursions; when he would carry a chair about for her from picture
to picture; and stand behind it; in spite of all her remonstrances;
silently presenting her to the noble Veians。

It fell out that; at this family breakfast; he referred to their having
seen in a gallery; on the previous day; the lady and gentleman whom they
had encountered on the Great Saint Bernard; 'I forget the name;' said
he。 'I dare say you remember them; William?

I dare say you do; Edward?'

'_I_ remember 'em well enough;' said the latter。

'I should think so;' observed Miss Fanny; with a toss of her head and
a glance at her sister。 'But they would not have been recalled to our
remembrance; I suspect; if Uncle hadn't tumbled over the subject。'

'My dear; what a curious phrase;' said Mrs General。 'Would not
inadvertently lighted upon; or accidentally referred to; be better?'

'Thank you very much; Mrs General;' returned the young lady; 'no; I
think not。 On the whole I prefer my own expression。' This was always
Miss Fanny's way of receiving a suggestion from Mrs General。 But she
always stored it up in her mind; and adopted it at another time。

'I should have mentioned our having met Mr and Mrs Gowan; Fanny;' said
Little Dorrit; 'even if Uncle had not。 I have scarcely seen you since;
you know。 I meant to have spoken of it at breakfast; because I should
like to pay a visit to Mrs Gowan; and to bee better acquainted with
her; if Papa and Mrs General do not object。'

'Well; Amy;' said Fanny; 'I am sure I am glad to find you at last
expressing a wish to be
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