《little dorrit-信丽(英文版)》



little dorrit-信丽(英文版)- 第253部分

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express image of irascible doggedness; 'I have been rasped……rasped these
forty years……by your taking such high ground even with me; who knows
better; the effect of it being coolly to put me on low ground。 I admire
you very much; you are a woman of strong head and great talent; but
the strongest head; and the greatest talent; can't rasp a man for forty
years without making him sore。 So I don't care for your present eyes。
Now; I am ing to the paper; and mark what I say。 You put it away
somewhere; and you kept your own counsel where。 You're an active woman
at that time; and if you want to get that paper; you can get it。 But;
mark。 There es a time when you are struck into what you are now; and
then if you want to get that paper; you can't get it。 So it lies; long
years; in its hiding…place。 At last; when we are expecting Arthur home
every day; and when any day may bring him home; and it's impossible to
say what rummaging he may make about the house; I remend you five
thousand times; if you can't get at it; to let me get at it; that it may
be put in the fire。 But no……no one but you knows where it is; and that's
power; and; call yourself whatever humble names you will; I call you a
female Lucifer in appetite for power! On a Sunday night; Arthur es
home。 He has not been in this room ten minutes; when he speaks of his
father's watch。 You know very well that the Do Not Forget; at the time
when his father sent that watch to you; could only mean; the rest of the
story being then all dead and over; Do Not Forget the suppression。 Make
restitution! Arthur's ways have frightened you a bit; and the paper
shall be burnt after all。 So; before that jumping jade and Jezebel;' Mr
Flintwinch grinned at his wife; 'has got you into bed; you at last tell
me where you have put the paper; among the old ledgers in the cellars;
where Arthur himself went prowling the very next morning。 But it's not
to be burnt on a Sunday night。 No; you are strict; you are; we must wait
over twelve o'clock; and get into Monday。 Now; all this is a swallowing
of me up alive that rasps me; so; feeling a little out of temper; and
not being as strict as yourself; I take a look at the document before
twelve o'clock to refresh my memory as to its appearance……fold up one of
the many yellow old papers in the cellars like it……and afterwards; when
we have got into Monday morning; and I have; by the light of your
lamp; to walk from you; lying on that bed; to this grate; make a little
exchange like the conjuror; and burn accordingly。 My brother
Ephraim; the lunatic…keeper (I wish he had had himself to keep in a
strait…waistcoat); had had many jobs since the close of the long job he
got from you; but had not done well。 His wife died (not that that
was much; mine might have died instead; and wele); he speculated
unsuccessfully in lunatics; he got into difficulty about over…roasting
a patient to bring him to reason; and he got into debt。 He was going out
of the way; on what he had been able to scrape up; and a trifle from me。
He was here that early Monday morning; waiting for the tide; in short;
he was going to Antwerp; where (I am afraid you'll be shocked at
my saying; And be damned to him!) he made the acquaintance of this
gentleman。 He had e a long way; and; I thought then; was only sleepy;
but; I suppose now; was drunk。 When Arthur's mother had been under
the care of him and his wife; she had been always writing; incessantly
writing;……mostly letters of confession to you; and Prayers for
forgiveness。 My brother had handed; from time to time; lots of these
sheets to me。 I thought I might as well keep them to myself as have them
swallowed up alive too; so I kept them in a box; looking over them when
I felt in the humour。 Convinced that it was advisable to get the paper
out of the place; with Arthur ing about it; I put it into this same
box; and I locked the whole up with two locks; and I trusted it to my
brother to take away and keep; till I should write about it。 I did write
about it; and never got an answer。 I didn't know what to make of it;
till this gentleman favoured us with his first visit。 Of course; I began
to suspect how it was; then; and I don't want his word for it now to
understand how he gets his knowledge from my papers; and your paper; and
my brother's cognac and tobacco talk (I wish he'd had to gag himself)。
Now; I have only one thing more to say; you hammer…headed woman; and
that is; that I haven't altogether made up my mind whether I might; or
might not; have ever given you any trouble about the codicil。 I think
not; and that I should have been quite satisfied with knowing I had got
the better of you; and that I held the power over you。 In the present
state of circumstances; I have no more explanation to give you till
this time to…morrow night。 So you may as well;' said Mr Flintwinch;
terminating his oration with a screw; 'keep your eyes open at somebody
else; for it's no use keeping 'em open at me。'

She slowly withdrew them when he had ceased; and dropped her forehead
on her hand。 Her other hand pressed hard upon the table; and again the
curious stir was observable in her; as if she were going to rise。

'This box can never bring; elsewhere; the price it will bring here。

This knowledge can never be of the same profit to you; sold to any other
person; as sold to me。 But I have not the present means of raising the
sum you have demanded。 I have not prospered。 What will you take now; and
what at another time; and how am I to be assured of your silence?'

'My angel;' said Rigaud; 'I have said what I will take; and time
presses。 Before ing here; I placed copies of the most important of
these papers in another hand。 Put off the time till the Marshalsea
gate shall be shut for the night; and it will be too late to treat。 The
prisoner will have read them。'

She put her two hands to her head again; uttered a loud exclamation; and
started to her feet。 She staggered for a moment; as if she would have
fallen; then stood firm。

'Say what you mean。 Say what you mean; man!'

Before her ghostly figure; so long unused to its erect attitude; and so
stiffened in it; Rigaud fell back and dropped his voice。 It was; to all
the three; almost as if a dead woman had risen。

'Miss Dorrit;' answered Rigaud; 'the little niece of Monsieur Frederick;
whom I have known across the water; is attached to the prisoner。 Miss
Dorrit; little niece of Monsieur Frederick; watches at this moment over
the prisoner; who is ill。 For her I with my own hands left a packet
at the prison; on my way here; with a letter of instructions; 〃FOR HIS
SAKE〃……she will do anything for his sake……to keep it without breaking
the seal; in case of its being reclaimed before the hour of shutting up
to…night……if it should not be reclaimed before the ringing of the prison
bell; to give it to him; and it encloses a second copy for herself;
which he must give to her。 What! I don't trust myself among you; now we
have got so far; without giving my secret a second life。 And as to its
not bringing me; elsewhere; the price it will bring here; say then;
madame; have you limited and settled the price the little niece will
give……for his s
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